Friday, August 30, 2013

Five on Friday - V.1

Happy Friday! Once again Friday is upon us! I'm enjoying linking up with others and doing some day of the week posts. This is one I will be doing for Friday called "Five on Friday". You just write down 5 things that you like or enjoy from the past week (I think) and then link your blog up with another. This week I will be linking up with A.Liz Adventures. Hope you enjoy my first "Five on Friday".

1. The weather - I am a MAJOR summer loving person. I don't like the cold or the snow and if we could have weather like we have had this past week ALL YEAR long, everything would be perfect. Minus the thunderstorm we had, it has been absolutely beautiful with temperatures in the mid 90's and sunny. Everyone says that this is the official last weekend of summer. Yes, usually when kids go back to school it marks the end of summer. However, for me, my summer isn't over until the official first day of Fall. Even then, I have a hard time believing it. 

2. Vega One Nutritional Shake & Vega One Energenizing Smoothie - I'm not the healthiest eater but I have been trying to eat a little bit healthier than I usually do. Even when I do eat my healthiest, I still don't seem to consume enough nutrients that I am supposed to. I have been researching this product for the past two weeks and finally decided to go out and buy it. It's a little bit on the pricey side, but for what it offers, it's a price worth paying. Today would be day three of taking the Nutritional Shake. While doing some research, I found that people have said to start with a smaller dose and that it may cause some stomach issues, due to the fact of what is in it, especially with people who are not used to having that many nutrients all at once. I decided to try it at night for the first little while when I am getting used to it. The first time I tried it, I will admit that I was a bit nervous because of some of the reviews that I read. I used a smaller amount and mixed it with chocolate soy milk. Vega is plant based and is dairy, soy and gluten free - so it's perfect for vegetarians or vegans. I, myself, am neither so that is why I decided to go with the soy milk. After mixing it, the texture became really thick. The taste is a little different from the other shakes I have tried but I actually don't mind the taste. It does take a little getting used to. I have also tried it with coffee, and that tastes a little better. I am going to try and mix the smoothie with some plain greek yogurt. After drinking the entire nutrient shake, I was full! I read that you can use it as somewhat of a meal replacement, but those never make me feel full, this one did! So BONUS! So far I am impressed. I just needed a little something to help provide some extra nutrients into my diet. 

3. Organizing - When it comes to school and work, I am like the queen of organizing. When it comes to my room however, doesn't happen as often as I would like. So with the time off I had this week, I decided to start organizing a few things in my room. It went well. The one thing that I really needed to get done was my nail polish. I have an obsession and addiction to nail polish and painting my nails. If there is a chance for me to purchase a bottle, I will. However, in my defense, I change the color every week so I use them. 
This was my nail polish before. It may not look like a mess in this picture but it was overflowing and it wouldn't sit well on my dresser anymore. I was hoping to get some clear glass containers with lids so I could see which colors were where, however, after an extensive search, I wasn't able to find any that were the size I was looking for. I opted for these instead ... 
I was able to find these cute pink and white polka dot boxes at the dollar store. Now, to me, this looks MUCH better than having them overflowing from their original state. They are now able to sit on the shelf much better than before. 

4. Football season - I am a HUGE football fan and I am so excited that this season is now upon us. My team of choice are the New England Patriots. No, not only for Tom Brady like most people think. My high school team were the Patriots and the fact that the NE Patriots are actually a really good team (yes, Tom Brady does help!) that is why I have been a Patriots fan for a long time. When my grandma was alive, we always used to watch games together. She was a Buffalo Bills fan so it always made things more interesting. So to this season - LET'S GO PATRIOTS!

5. I came across this quote the other day and I thought it was perfect for the moment. Enjoy. 


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