Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Currently - Oct 20 v.10

I have been slacking with these late posts - I'm sorry! It seems like on the days that I have something to post, I am working all day and by the time I get home, I am ready for bed. As usual, I am linking up with Lauren - enjoy!


READING: Hemlock Grove still

WRITING: This post and many other lists

MUSIC: Miley Cyrus' new album Bangerz is the best album I have heard in such a long time! There isn't one song on there that I don't like. My personal favorites are "Do my thang", "Drive" and "4x4".

LISTENING: To the movie 13 Ghosts

GUILTY PLEASURE: Pumpkin cheesecake and a candy apple from the pumpkin patch

THINKING: That it is getting too cold for my liking

NAIL COLOR: After School Boy Blazer by Essie - it's a darker navy blue, NOT black like everyone thinks!


DRINK: Sprite

WISHING: This two day headache would go away

FOOD: Rainbow rice crispy square

HOPING: I get some sleep tonight unlike the last two nights

TV SHOW: I know it's not a show but AMC's Fearfest has been the "go to" channel these last few days and probably will be until Halloween is over

WEARING: Pink pajama pants, yellow Sugarland local crew tee (yes, THE sugarland) and my blue house coat

LOVING: AMC's Fearfest

WISH LIST: A good nights sleep

WANTING: A massage!!

NEEDING: To start going through my clothes

BLESSING: Everything


CLICKING: Keyboard

EXCITEMENT: For a few days off and a nice shopping trip on Saturday

Enjoy your week everyone! :)

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