Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Sunday Currently - Oct 6 v.8

Welcome to the first October edition of TSC. Hope everyone had a great first week of October. Mine was filled with birthday celebrations as my brother turned 23 on Wednesday. I cannot believe he is 23 already ... wow, how time flies! I am linking up with Lauren as my usual Sunday link up. 

Reading: Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

Writing: This post and many new lists of things I need to do for my new job and what to buy and pack. It seems like it's never ending

Music: Current song of the moment would have to be Royals by Lorde

Listening: To a movie on the television

Guilty Pleasure: At home pumpkin spice coffee from Starbucks

Thinking: That I really do not want to go into work tonight and how I would much rather stay at home and be lazy

Nail Color: For The Twill Of It by Essie. Excuse the messiness of my nails, still trying perfect the art of it.

Smelling: Laundry

Drink: My usual decaf orange pekoe tea

Wishing: I could have slept in a little longer today than I did

Food: Just finished a bowl of Lucky Charms

Hoping: That I can get everything done that I need to get done easily and without hassle

TV Show: I finished Hemlock Grove and I am so confused at how it ended. It had a VERY well written ending, so now of course, I am super excited for Season 2

Wearing: Pajama pants and a tee 

Loving: That I finally made a decision as to what I am doing. I kind of feel "lighter", if that makes any sense. Now, I just have to deal with the roller coaster of emotions that will come along with this decision

Wish List: I actually have quite the wish list now that I need to buy a few things for my new job, but aside from that, some more at home pumpkin spice coffee (think I have an addiction!)

Wanting: To stay home today, even though I only have a few more shifts left so maybe I should change my feelings towards going into work for the next little while

Needing: To clean my room; always seems to get messy when I work, how I have no idea

Blessing: That I have been able to have the job I have now for the last 6 years. I started when I was 18 and I am 24 and a half. I've pretty much grown up there and now I will be leaving to start a new journey in my life. A journey that a lot of people say they wish they would have done when they were my age

Feeling: Tired but nervous, excited and every emotion rolled into one about the journey I will soon be starting

Clicking: Keys on the keyboard

Excitement: Thanksgiving dinner next Monday!! 

Enjoy the rest of Sunday and have a fabulous week :)



  1. Hi Sarah!! I am stopping by from Lauren's "Sunday Currently" post! I just wanted to say hi and thanks for following on bloglovin!
    I have a post going up tomorrow about the Sunshine Award. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for it, so check out my post tomorrow :)
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for the nomination and for the follow! I loved your post and I have answered the questions you posted! I LOVE your name as well :)
